Solutions for Large Enterprises
20 Years of customer focus
View customer success storiesVisibility and alignment success
Epiq's source-to-pay software tools deliver visibility and strategic alignment with enhanced adoption, flexibility and integrated systems.

“From cost savings to innovation and supplier success, the strategic procurement solutions can deliver what an experienced procurement team needs to accomplish its objectives.”

End-to-end software
Strategic procurement and spend optimization integrated, simplified an automated enables your organization to:
achieve cost savings on goods and services
improve stakeholder involvement with online collaboration
enhance visibility into spend accross the organization
ensure best-practice continuous improvement in strategic alignment
Greater strategic alignment
As large enterprises look for new ways to lower costs and compete, leading-edge procurement organizations are taking a more strategic role to deliver business results, depending on strategic procurement to:

Strategic engagement
meeting savings targets by engaging more strategically with suppliers

Operational controls
gain operational controls to guard against maverick-spend and errors

Operational efficiency
boost operational efficiency to cut unnecessary costs
A unique solution for enterprise spend optimization
Unified Platform
Transform procurement and align to company goals.
Holistic Processes
Optimize spend with holistic procure-to-pay processes.
Procurement Control
Solve adoption issues with an intuitive and familiar user interface.