Spend Analysis — Features and Expertise
20 Years of customer focus
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This page has features and expertise information on the spend analysis software tools and intelligence that drive superior spend analysis results.

“From spend data classification to savings opportunity identification and data quality enhancement, the spend analysis software tools and intelligence are what an experienced team really needs.”
Spend data extraction and classification
Flexible data model for high-volume processing with any kind of data or spend source
Gather ERP, purchasing, P-card, and legacy systems data for quick, high-quality insight
Classify and enrich across all categories, systems, and divisions for unmatched analysis
Enrich with third-party supplier and market content for enhanced quality and reliability
Artificial intelligence-powered classification with quick and easy model updating
Savings opportunity identification and prioritization
Customization, drag-and-drop interface for savings opportunity identification and prioritization. Role-based dashboards populated with standard, pre-built and customer specific reports.

Drill-down controls
Flexible drill-down controls for enterprise, line-item, or in-between level analysis

Spend views
Objective-driven, preference-based and consolidated spend views with parent-child linkages

Spend categorization
Customizable spend categorization with UNSPSC, SIC-Code, or enterprise-specific taxonomies
Data quality enhancement and refresh processing
User-defined workflows for classification and tools for single-day refresh processing. Algorithm and process application for high-quality, high-accuracy, high-granularity analysis.
Vendor family grouping
Grouping, normalizing and third party content leveraging for vendor family grouping
Granular spend categorization
Best-of-breed rules and machine learning for highest-granularity spend categorization
Information-based enrichment
Third party information-based enrichment and additional attribute capture
Continuous improvement and collaboration
- Continuous data improvement
Manage and maintain supplier groupings and structure for continuous improvement
Closed-feedback loop to capture insight on data elements classification improvement
Incremental data quality and value improvement driven by insight capture
Quick and easy classification updates to foster a sense of data ownership
- Procurement performance collaboration
Goal performance measurement with accurate, up-to-date, cleansed and classified data
Rule configuration by commodity, company or role for best-practice processes
Create and update spend performance goals and metrics for individuals or groups
Scheduled reports and reusable templates for best-of-breed automation
Wave plans based on savings/value, business need, complexity and time-to-implement
- Expertise and support
Solution set up, deployment, and configuration to ensure match with analysis goals
Practitioner training with best practices, execution, and optimal spend analysis
Data extraction management, classification support, and data quality enhancement
Implementation support, solution roll-out to speed company-wide adoption
- Infrastructure
Hosted, best-of-breed solution designed for internet delivery with web services
Multi-channel technical and help desk support to aid buyers with analysis
Secure architecture and hierachy designed to protect users, reports, and data
State-of-the-art facilities, network, and hardware set for optimal performance